This year we did things a little differently. Back at the end of summer/early fall, I got an email about a Turkey Trot in the Myrtle Beach area. They had a 5K and a 10K, and if we signed up then we could sign up for a (very) discounted price. I tried to convince Jacob to do the 10k, but he didn't want to run at all so we settled on the 5k (looking back - thank goodness!). I figured I would definitely be back in shape by then, I mean I was going to be running in the 34-mile Hope Relay two weeks before that! Easy Peasy.
Well, if you've read this blog at all, you know the Hope Relay wasn't my best and neither was my shape! The whole family woke up early on Thanksgiving to drive the 20 minutes to the Surfside Pier where the race started. We were all quite tired and COLD! It was freezing that morning. And of course, neither Jacob nor I brought cold weather running gear. I don't know what we were thinking. I even looked at the weather channel to check the temperature when I was packing!
We got to the Pier and got there about 30 minutes before race time. After we checked in and got our race packets, mom ran Jacob and me over to the beach near the pier to take pictures. They were great- no makeup, sleep still in our eyes and trying our best not to shiver long enough for her to take the pictures. Finally, an announcer came on saying the race was getting ready to start.
So, Jacob and I headed over to the start line and got in the back (not the very back but close enough). I had my Garmin watch, although I had forgotten to charge it so it died before the race even started. Whoops. At least I had my running ipod. Thankfully, mom let me wear her gloves because I was slowly losing feeling in all my extremities. Again, it was COLD! Poor Jacob, shorts and a t-shirt. I think he did finally put on a sweatshirt.
While we were waiting on the race to start, I kept saying over and over in my head "Keep Running. Don't Stop. Its just a 5k. Run the whole thing." I am determined to run again so I wanted this to give me the boost I needed to get back into things. Well Jacob, the sweet kid that he is, decided that since I made him run this race with me he would run with me at my speed. To paint a pretty picture, my "little" brother is a 5'11" cross country runner who ended up running Varsity his freshmen year of high school.
Finally the race started. Jacob took off before he looked back and saw I was way behind him. He jogged back to me and fussed about how slow I was going. I had my headphones in and was just focused on going slow and steady. As Jacob kept pointing out how slow we were going, his favorite phrase at the beginning was "We're never going to get warm if we keep moving this slow." Mostly I just rolled my eyes and kept on chugging. Every 2 minutes or so, Jacob kept asking how long we had been running. By the time hit the mile and a half point, Jacob kept telling me "I'd be done by now" and five minutes later "Id've been done for 5 minutes now" and so on. Not only was he telling me that, he was giving me a running commentary of his life. I mean the boy never stopped talking! As he says, he was going so slow talking was not a problem!
We finally hit the 3 mile marker and it was a straight stretch of road to cross the finish line. Unbeknownst to us, mom and dad got so cold they went and sat in the car in with the heat on! Luckily, they got out in time to see us finish. Anyways, because I had been going so slow (without stopping), I was determined to cross the finish line before Jacob. About 100 yards away from the finish line I started sprinting. It only took about 10 steps for me to realize that was too far out to beat a kid with legs that are twice as long as mine. So I went back to my jog/run speed a little bit further. Well at this point Jacob starts running backwards. "Oh no he didn't" was all that went through my head before I took off sprinting again. He continued to run backwards for about 4-5 more steps before he turned around and took off in a sprint as well. I'm still not sure who crossed the finish line first, but we were duking it out all the way across!
Well, I did it! I may have literally been "trotting" I was so slow, but I did it. Three point one miles without stopping. It's not much but its a start. And to reward us, the Myrtle Beach running club had Krispy Kreme donuts they were dipping in chocolate on site! So what better way to celebrate all that I had accomplished by erasing it all with one donut!
It was my first Turkey Trot, but it won't be my last! However, it will be the last one where I "trot!"