Monday, December 15, 2014

A May-December Post

After cranking out two posts close together at the end of 2013, I was convinced that I would be able to post at least 1 blog post a month in 2014. Easy peasy, right? Whoops! This year turned out to be a lot crazier than I thought it would be, and sadly the blog was the thing that had to go.  So, below is a recap of my year from May-December, which may also give an indication as to why there were no posts from May - December!

May was filled with wedding showers, baby showers, and apartment hunting! It also included Jacob's last Spring Social - glad it was cotillion year - love the tuxes!

June was quite busy! I signed the lease for my new apartment, went to the beach for a bachelorette weekend, packed my entire apartment up, moved the weekend of the 20th and went to Minnesota for work on Tuesday, the 24th! I got almost all of my stuff moved in and arranged before I left for Minnesota, which was a huge relief. While in Minnesota I got to go to the Mall of America, which was very interesting- I only came home with 1 new pair of shoes, which if you know me is very impressive!

July started off with a 5k run with friends for the 4th, and KB & JA's wedding on the 12th! It was absolutely beautiful and I was so happy to be a part of that special occasion with them! I even got to take a little time off to go to the beach for a few days with my family!

August was a fun month! I had a friend stay with me while passing through town, had KN join me and my family at the Drive-In Theater in Greenwood, headed to Georgetown for AM & GT's wedding and ended the month with a viewing party for the Clemson-Georgia game!  I love the drive-in theater - I wish I would go more often!  Georgetown was beautiful, but the bride and groom were even more so! I was so blessed to be a part of the Martin family for the weekend for that wedding! The Clemson-Georgia game didn't quite turn out like I wanted, but I did have a blast hosting my first event at my apartment!

September is when things got really crazy! But in this case, really crazy was really fun!  In the beginning of September, I got to go on a cruise with KQ down to the Bahamas! It was my first cruise and it was such a blast! Hopefully a blog post with pictures will come soon- teaser picture below! The week I got back, I cut around 13 inches off of my hair and started what would be a weekly babysitting job. The next week I started a new bible study at my church and then ended September by going to New Jersey for the last week! Between the travel and 4 nightly commitments each week - I didn't stop!

Babysitting and Bible study continued on through October and football season was in full swing! This was also a really busy time at work that included a lot of early mornings and late nights! During the Clemson Homecoming game against Syracuse, because KQ is awesome, we got to hang out in the President's Suite during the 3rd quarter and meet Nancy O'Dell!

November was spent wrapping up a major project at work, as well as flying out to CA (for work) and then relaxing at the lake for Thanksgiving! I got to spend a week in Newport Beach, CA for work and let me just say it was beautiful. Even the flight to CA was spent chasing the sunset. Below is the view from one of my dinners in CA.

December started off with a quest for a coffee table! And find one, I did! It was a nice wooden table from Goodwill that I painted - the top is a gray chalkboard and bottom is black! Haven't decided if I'll keep the chalkboard top forever, but its been fun to decorate for the holiday season! And to bring us up to date, I spent the weekend with my family celebrating my birthday. We went hiking at Raven Cliff Falls in the Mountain Bridge Wilderness in Caesars Head State Park. It was an absolutely gorgeous day for hiking - low 60's, sunny! We had a blast! 

Well, hopefully as the year is winding down and things are slowing down a bit, I'll be able to post a few more "catch-up posts!"  The year is not over yet!

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